Hopefully I am not raising the expectations too high for my first new album Hima Lava. It’s just beats nothing fancy, still I got to promote it. You never know who picks up the signals. Please bear with me.. Also for those without any access to streaming services don’t worry I got you covered.
Tag: june11
Sunday Hima!
Sunday Hima! Listening to some funk, what are you up to? Did you know #Hima means something like “leisure time”, “free time” in #Japanese ? At the same time it means “now” in #Armenian . Food for thought.
When it all started in the 80s
Curious me with headphones 🎧 , the 80s. With my music I hope to set off positive vibrations that will inspire both young and old to move with joy towards a bright future full of adventure.
Music video
Here is a preview from a music video I am currently working on. The person in view is shangsfanclub, footage by Dynamike.
… So I did a selfieshoot for the album cover. I already picked one for the cover, but still need to choose a photo for the artist page, I appreciate any suggestions! Also happy King’s Birthday!